´Andalú´ y crowdfunding, una poderosa combinación

la opinión 31.01.2014 | Francisco Domingo Gancedo

Un malagueño residente en Berlín hace patria de la lengua andaluza recogiendo expresiones populares a través de las redes sociales y pretende editar el libro ‘Hablo andalú’

Una de las ilustraciones difundidas por Francisco Domingo.

Lo que en un principio empezó como una forma de recordar y difundir sus raíces andaluzas, se ha convertido en un fenómeno en internet.

Francisco Domingo Gancedo creó la página de Facebook “Hablo Andalú” a finales del pasado septiembre con el objetivo de explicar, a través de definiciones, el significado de las expresiones andaluzas más populares. En poco tiempo, la página ha conseguido más de 40.000 fans que envían diariamente sus palabras y frases para que sean compartidas por la red.

“Estando tan lejos se echan de menos muchas cosas, por eso comencé el proyecto, para estar en contacto con andaluces o amantes de Andalucía que tuvieran un mismo objetivo: difundir nuestra forma de hablar”, afirma.

Visto el éxito que tenía la página, pensó que sería buena idea crear un libro que reuniera las expresiones más populares y que, además, estuvieran representadas a través de ilustraciones. Por lo tanto, el libro recogerá 80 escenas dibujadas que simbolizarán gráficamente las expresiones más exitosas de la página. El encargado de dibujarlas será Abel Fernández, un joven ilustrador almeriense con muchísimo talento.

Para el malagueño es imposible asumir los costes que supone la creación del libro, por lo que empezó a pensar en una forma de financiación viable.

Así, Francisco ha creado la campaña “Hablo Andalú: ¡El libro!”. Con ella quiere recaudar 10.000 euros en 40 días. Cualquier persona puede colaborar, la aportación mínima es de 5 euros y la máxima de 100 euros. Todas ellas recibirán su correspondiente recompensa.

“El micro-mecenazgo es un modelo de financiación perfecto para proyectos culturales como este: la gente apoya la iniciativa y, a cambio, recibe una recompensa. En este caso, el libro es una de ellas pero hay muchas más”, nos explica el joven malagueño.

Además, las empresas andaluzas también pueden apoyar el proyecto a través del patrocinio. De hecho, ya hay algunas que han hecho su aportación, como por ejemplo el “Camping Valle Niza” situado en Benajarafe.

Fuente : http://www.laopiniondemalaga.es/malaga/2014/01/31/andalu-crowdfunding-poderosa-combinacion/649727.html


Pebble and Glyph: How Crowdfunding Is Creating Disruptive New Products

Two crowdfunded projects that opened up new categories of devices.

By @bajarinJan. 27, 2014

While a lot of people watch TV or YouTube or spend their downtime resting or playing, I find that I can be highly entertained by surfing the various crowdfunding sites that have popped up on the Internet over the past few years.

For most of my 33-year career, when entrepreneurs wanted to start a new business or create a new product, they had to go to venture capitalists, funding angels, banks, or in some cases even mortgage their houses to start up their businesses. Although this has been effective for many, thousands of others who had product ideas could not muster up the funding needed, and many products or service ideas died before they ever even had a chance to be created.

Then a few years back, a new source for startup funding popped up: crowdfunding. At its core, a crowdfunding site serves as a kind of clearing house for people with new product ideas that span everything from gadgets to games to books to movies and many more projects for which a person needs funding to bring an idea to life. One of the leading sites is Kickstarter, a service that got major public attention when it was used to crowdfund the Pebble smartwatch.

Here’s the quick version of Pebble’s funding story, according to Wikipedia:

Pebble Technology launched a Kickstarter campaign on April 11, 2012 with an initial fundraising target of $100,000. Backers spending $115 would receive a Pebble when they became available ($99 for the first 200), effectively pre-ordering the $150 Pebble at a discounted price. Within two hours of going live, the project had met the $100,000 goal, and within six days, the project had become the most funded project in the history of Kickstarter, raising over $4.7 million with 30 days left in the campaign.

On May 10, 2012, Pebble Technology announced they were limiting the number of pre-orders. On May 18, 2012, funding closed with $10,266,844 pledged by 68,928 people.

I wanted a good smartwatch, so when I saw it was live, I paid my $115 and was lucky enough to be in one of the first groups to receive the Pebble when it shipped. Since the Pebble started shipping, dozens of other smartwatches have been announced. Kickstarter and Pebble will always be seen by many as ground-zero for the smartwatch market — a market many believe will become a very big segment in the emerging wearable computing arena.

I also like perusing Indiegogo, another crowdfunding site, and Quirky, a site for crowdsourced product ideas. The folks from Mashable listed some other sites that do crowdfunding and are worth checking out.

Since my first backing of a product through Kickstarter, I have found at least a dozen other products that I wanted from various crowdfunding sites, and I continue to look for cool new things that are of interest to me. I also am highly interested in products that not only get major attention but that also get funded fast, since they often represent a product that could impact the future of the product category they represent. This was very true with the Pebble smartwatch: The short time it took the watch to reach its funding success suggested to us researchers that the Pebble struck a nerve with the public. The smartwatch category could potentially be big.

At CES there was a product launched from a company called Avegant: the Glyph. It went live on Kickstarter less than a week ago and met its funding goal of $250,000 within 4 hours. It holds the record for reaching a goal of $250,000 the fastest — done in 3 hours and 56 minutes. (Pebble’s goal was only $100,000 but was reached in two hours.)

The Glyph looks like a high quality stereo headset, but with a fascinating twist to its design. You pull the headpiece down over your eyes and it turns into a set of video monitors to deliver a cinema-like experience, with video content that can come from a smartphone, tablet or PC. It can be connected to the HDMI port on PCs and uses HDMI mini adapters to work with tablets and smartphones. Unlike another head-mounted display from Oculus, the Glyph works with any existing content in Windows, Android and iOS. Software has to be written for the Oculus platform and its focus is specifically on gaming.

Although the Glyph project is still a prototype, the alpha version I played with was very impressive. In headphone mode, it looks and works just like a high-end stereo noise-canceling headset with a battery life of 48 hours. But when you flip the headband down over your eyes, it turns it into a 2D or 3D screen, depending on the content (if you connect it to a 3D DVD player, the content is shown in 3D, for instance). One downside from the first generation is that it has only three hours of battery life in video mode.

The alpha model I tested was also a bit heavy, but the folks from Avegant say that when it’s released this fall, it will be thinner and lighter and will fit better than the alpha model. One other important feature is that it includes diopter controls, so that regardless of your prescription, you can fine tune it so that if you wear glasses you won’t need them.

Once I used the Glpyh, I really wanted one. As a traveler that puts 100,000+ miles under my belt each year, I could see using this while on planes as my audio headset and also my video screen. Although I do use laptops or even my iPad Air for watching movies when traveling, the cinema-like experience that the Glyph delivers is more enticing to me. Its $495 price is also impressive. A good set of noise-canceling headphones costs around $399. For $100 more, you get the cinema video feature, too. It also works with games. Pull one of the games up on a smartphone or tablet, and the Glyph delivers a cinematic view of the game you’re playing, and the smartphone or tablet becomes the controller. Although travelers and gamers might represent its initial audience, I see this product as having a very broad appeal, too.

While Google Glass and other glasses and video-specific goggles will have a place in the market, the Glyph delivers what I think is the next major innovation in headsets. The screens on smartphones and small tablets are just not optimal for delivering really good movie, video or gaming experiences. The Glyph delivers those experience along with a great audio experience. It would not surprise me if many of the top of the line headsets eventually deliver similar video viewing features as part of their offerings, since the Glyph delivers quite a compelling concept for mobile entertainment. The product’s first-mover position will have a big impact on how consumers view this audio/video category in the future.

This is a product to watch since it could become another crowdfunded project that opens up a whole new category of devices.

Bajarin is the president of Creative Strategies Inc., a technology industry analysis and market-intelligence firm in Silicon Valley. He contributes to Big Picture, an opinion column that appears every week on TIME Tech.

Read more: Pebble and Glyph: How Crowdfunding Is Creating Disruptive New Products | TIME.com


Star Citizen lève 37 millions de dollars en à peine plus d’un an par crowdfunding

latribune.fr | 24/01/2014


A chaque opération réussie, Chris Roberts fait à nouveau appel aux internautes pour améliorer son jeu. (Photo : Reuters)
Parti d’un objectif de 500.000 dollars en octobre 2012, le jeu de simulation spatiale créé par la star du genre, Chris Roberts, a réussi à récolter 37 millions de dollars grâce au financement participatif.

Depuis, les créateurs du jeu ne cessent de développer de nouvelles options, de nouveaux éléments et de nouveaux mondes. Si bien qu’en un peu plus d’un an, ils ont déjà récolté plus de 37 millions de dollars, pour un nouvel objectif final de 39 millions de dollars. Ce qui lui a déjà permis d’embaucher de nombreux développeurs pour le seconder.

Un symbole des mutations dans l’industrie du jeu vidéo

Que l’objectif soit atteint ou pas, c’est déjà la plus grosse opération de financement participatif jamais enregistrée. La question qui est maintenant sur toutes les lèvres est de savoir si Chris Roberts compte en rester là.

Quoiqu’il en soit, cette histoire est symbolique d’une nouvelle donne dans le monde du jeu vidéo. De nos jours, énormément de jeux sont financés non plus grâce aux banques ou aux éditeurs traditionnels mais directement par les consommateurs, qui choisissent eux-mêmes ce qu’ils veulent consommer.

Source : La Tribune